Entropia memory hack — Online / Undetected (updated 03/04/2025)


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Recent content by TotesAGoat

  1. T

    Three games in. So far, so good <3

    Three games in. So far, so good <3
  2. T

    Ooo the new UI is -nice-

    Ooo the new UI is -nice-
  3. T

    Entropia Basic OW2 Support

    My maaan. I've been absent for ages but I'm back as soon as my fkn internet is fixed tomorrow lol. Still the best support out there I see!
  4. T

    Entropia Basic OW2 Support

    @Iamprophony I'm all over this shit if it is 😂
  5. T

    Entropia Basic OW2 Support

    Will this update be Win11 compatible?
  6. T

    Entropia Basic My observations

    Mei is a projectile-based hero, so aimbots (at least not this type) don't work for them. The reason is the projectile travel time - to accurately aimbot with Mei, it would need to calculate the enemy hero's direction and movement speed and direction, calculate how far ahead to aim and then fire...
  7. T

    Entropia Basic Controller Support

    Sweet, glad that worked for you
  8. T

    Entropia Basic Great Support

    Seconded, dev is a legend. Very communicative and helpful :)
  9. T

    Entropia Extended ENTROPIA vs NERF THIS

    Entropia is a simple aimbot. It works well and gets the job done, but it takes some trial and error to get it working super effectively. NERF THIS has the aimbot with finer controls (though it's missing the ability to save profiles like you have in Entropia), and also has ESP - a wall-hack sort...
  10. T

    Entropia Basic Widow flick shot most realistic

    Yes, but. Lol. So NERF has ESP, which is a killer wallhack that shows you where everyone is and, crucially,also the aim point the bot targets, so you can really fine-tune where you want the aim to go. It has a few other parameters too and overall, I find, works even better. However, it's...
  11. T

    Entropia Basic Widow flick shot most realistic

    Check out this thread for settings I've found to work well for aimbot and for flick. I actually had so much success with this that I upgraded to NERF THIS pretty immediately.
  12. T

    Entropia Basic Controller Support

    The only way I can think of is maybe mapping your controller buttons to the aimkey in Entropia, using third-party software to map your controller buttons to keyboard inputs. Might work, might not - no idea.
  13. T

    Entropia Basic My observations

    Ahhhh that makes sense, thanks for the clarification! So far I have absolutely 0 complaints, took me about 10 minutes of fiddling to get settings I really like. Solid product, for sure.
  14. T

    Entropia Basic My observations

    Lmfao. It's worth mentioning that I'm just some random user, in no way have any clue what's going on under the hood other than semi-educated guesses. Here's what I think it represents: X speed - how fast the bot flicks/tracks horizontally y speed - how fast the bot flicks/tracks vertically...
  15. T

    Entropia Basic My observations

    Yo everyone. Been tinkering with this on an alt account just for giggles and here's what I've found: BIG TIPS: If you think it's not working check two things. - Does the aimbot say AIMBOT ACTIVE or does it say AIMBOT PAUSED? You pause it by pressing F1, so accidentally hitting that will...